維基媒體基金會 (Wikimedia Foundation) 捐款者隱私政策:選擇服務提供商資訊
(Redirected from Donor privacy policy/Supplement/zh-hant)
我們的 捐款者隱私政策 說明了我們為執行維基媒體募款服務所收集和使用的個人資料。在提供這些服務的過程中,我們有時會與協助我們執行和促進維基媒體募款服務或幫助我們執行捐款頁面或提升您的服務體驗的 第三方服務提供商分享個人資料。有些服務提供商會要求我們貼上導向其隱私政策的連結。這些服務提供商的清單及其隱私政策的連結可於下方找到。
- We are testing features on the Fundraise Up platform (their privacy policy) that use machine learning to improve fundraising effectiveness by, for example, dynamically adjusting suggested payment methods and donation amounts. Some Donor Information collected during these tests may be used to further train Fundraise Up’s machine learning models. Donors who are included in these tests will be shown a link to this page during the donation process. If there is to be more extensive use of Donor Information to train machine learning models for these purposes, we will update the Donor Privacy Policy to clarify the role of machine learning in administering, improving, and updating the Wikimedia Fundraising Services.