Policy:Wikimedia Foundation Privacy Policy/Select Service Providers' Information/ne
अनुवादमा सहयोग गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ? छुटेका सन्देश अनुवाद गर्नुहोस्
Our Privacy Policy describes the personal data we collect and use in order to operate Wikimedia Sites. We sometimes use third-party service providers to help us run and improve the Wikimedia Sites, and we may give access to your Personal Information to these service providers as needed to perform their services for us or to use their tools and services. Some of our service providers ask us to post links to their privacy policies. A list of these service providers and links to their policies can be found below.
सबै सेवा प्रदायकहरूको व्यापक सूची होइन जससँग हामी व्यक्तिगत डेटा साझेदारी गर्दछौँ भन्ने बारेमा कृपया ध्यान दिनुहोस्; अन्य सेवाहरूले पनि हाम्रो गोपनीयता नीति अनुसार तपाईको डेटा नियन्त्रण गर्न सक्दछन्।