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Resolution:Updating Board Expansion Plans, 2022

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Resolutions Updating Board Expansion Plans, 2022 Feedback?
This resolution was approved on September 8, 2022

Whereas, in February 2020 the Board of Trustees committed to expanding from 10 to 16 members, with the goals of increasing capacity and bringing in additional experience, skills, and diversity;

Whereas, the Board subsequently revised the Bylaws to allow for the Board to have up to 16 members;

Whereas, upon the conclusion of the 2022 Community- and Affiliate-selected Trustee selection process, the Board will have expanded to 12 members, with the addition of one Community- and Affiliate-selected Trustee and one Board-selected Trustee;

Whereas, the Governance Committee has undertaken a review about the need for further expansion at this time to achieve the original goals stated for expansion. This included: a review of the current state and outcomes of prior Board expansion, board governance literature regarding optimal board sizes, and interviews with Trustees about the current mix of skills and expertise on the Board; and

Whereas, the result of this review has led the Governance Committee to conclude that further expansion would not increase the Board's capacity at this time, and may actually reduce the Board's efficiency;

Now, therefore, it is:

RESOLVED, that the Board will not add additional seats (beyond 12) until at least 2024.

Nataliia Tymkiv (Chair), Shani Evenstein Sigalov (Vice Chair), Luis Bitenourt-Emilio, Tanya Capuano, Victoria Doronina, Dariusz Jemielniak, Lorenzo Losa, Raju Narisetti, Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight, Jimmy Wales
Not present
Esra'a Al Shafei (Vice Chair)
