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The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. The Wikimedia Foundation operates some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world, including Wikipedia, a top-ten Internet property.
Our Benefactors support our mission around the globe. We rely on the expertise and generosity of thousands of people. Thank you.
Have questions about our giving levels or donating to the Wikimedia Foundation? Please send an email to
This page reflects gifts received between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. See 2009-2010 benefactors.
Major Benefactors
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Press release)
- The Brin Wojcicki Foundation
- Craigslist Charitable Fund
- The David and Jamie Cummings Family
- The Ford Foundation
- Google Matching Gifts Foundation
- The James and Angela Thompson Foundation
- Omidyar Network
- Shor Family Foundation
- Stanton Foundation
- The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- Christopher Ruddy
- John Caulkins
- Milonja Bjelic
- Ryan and Lisa McCorvie
- Two Sigma Investments, LLC
- Unz Foundation
- Yardi Systems
- Anonymous donors
Leading Donors
- Aidan Products, LLC
- Arlene and Arnold Goldstein Family Foundation
- Elon Musk
- Graphics Press, LLC
- Jeffrey N. Dauber
- J. Willis Jarvis
- Purnendu Ojha
- Kevin O'Shea
- Mark Heising and Liz Simons
- Nora Roberts Foundation
- Scott Banister
- Shaked Family, Tel Aviv
- Anonymous donors
Sustaining Donors
- Adam Fila
- Alex Poon
- Anna Scott
- Anup Mantri
- Bernhard Friess
- Betty Harrell Gerlack
- Bill Edwards and Ron Bailey
- Brian McInnis
- Brian White
- Christopher J. Lingle
- Dalibor Antonic
- David Bydeley
- Don Husby
- Don and Jill Knuth
- Douglas Ferguson
- En souvenir de Réal Labelle
- Fred Hipp
- Greg and Liz Lutz
- Gabe Newell
- Heather Bendler
- Hiromasa Nagase
- The IEEE Electron Devices Society
- In memory of Seymour Durst
- Jacob Albrecht
- Januaca Tjandra 张贻新 and Family
- Jeffrey Lamkin
- Jhilmil & Punchhi Pandit
- John G. Dove, Arlington, Massachusetts
- John and Lenore Cooney
- Johnson Watts
- Julien Basch
- KeepCalling
- Kenneth Eddings
- Linda Lee
- Manoj Padki and Manisha Kher
- Marc Forand
- Mathew Donovan
- Murtada Elkhalifa
- Raghavan Srinivasan
- Ravi Kalidindi
- Richard Kandarian
- Richard Yonash
- Rob and Anna Prestezog
- Robert Wares
- Roland Digital Group Africa
- Steve Kass
- Steve and Marty Schlossstein, Princeton, New Jersey
- Susan Woodward
- Takashi Kousaka
- Tetsuya Isozaki
- Timothy Mott
- Vadim Asadov
- Wikimedia Foundation Staff
- Anonymous donors
Donations of Goods and Services
- Cisco
- comScore
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- EvoSwitch
- Exbrook Design
- Kennisnet Amsterdam
- LeaseWeb
- No Starch Press
- Perkins Coie
- Tele2
- TeliaSonera International Carrier
- WatchMouse
- Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati
Special Thanks to our Chapters
The Wikimedia Foundation would like to thank the following chapters for their donations:
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Austria: Wikimedia Österreich
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Hungary: Wikimédia Magyarország
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Sweden: Wikimedia Sverige
Switzerland: Wikimedia CH
United Kingdom: Wikimedia UK
Corporate sustaining donors
- Amex Online Casinos
- Avago
- AWeber
- Black Friday
- Blue Sky Scrubs
- Bronze Plaques
- Car Insurance Companies
- Casino Lemonade
- ClickTime
- CNA Classes
- Cookmax
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- Data Recovery Software
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- Dental Insurance Tips
- Dessert Recipes
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- Easy Dessert Recipes
- expo-MAX
- Flowers of DX
- Free Shipping
- Gas Natural Distribución
- Go Promotional
- Herpes Alliance
- Herpes Doctor
- Homemade Recipes
- Impact Business Signs
- Impact Memorial Plaques
- Impact Office Signs
- Kitchen Bakeware
- Kitchenware Direct
- Las Vegas Hotels
- LC Auto Insurance
- miinto
- NobelCom
- Online Druckerei
- Rate Detective
- RPower Restaurant POS
- RuleArts
- Self Storage Company
- Smart Balance Transfers
- T Life Insurance
- Theravive
- VitaValida
- Website Servers
- World TV and Radio Tuner
Have questions about our giving levels or donating to the Wikimedia Foundation? Please send an email to