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Resolution: Communications committee creation

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Resolutions Communications committee creation Feedback?
This resolution creating the Communications committee was approved on 21 February 2006. The committee was originally approved by Resolution:Communications committee.

Resolved that:

The Board authorizes the creation of a communications committee.

The Board approves the initial members and grants authority to the committee to determine its own memership structures.

The communications committee will be initially composed of seven people, but membership is open and the committee aims to quickly expand the membership, to cover a wider variety of projects, languages, and sub-committee interests.

Initial members:

  • Angela Beesley
  • Michael Snow
  • Nicholas Moreau (zanimum)
  • David Gerard
  • sannse
  • mindspillage
  • Walter Vermeir


  • Elisabeth Bauer (elian)
  • Jimmy Wales
  • Schwartz Public Relations (PR) team


Passed: February 21, 2006