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Archive:Volunteering:Email response team leader

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Email response team leader
Goal of position
In order manage the Wikimedia Foundation's customer service email system (OTRS) and volunteer activity.
Sample activities
  1. supporting the volunteer correspondents (OTRS Agents) in their day-to-day work
  2. reviewing new applications to OTRS
  3. creating, managing, and closing OTRS user accounts
  4. updating boilerplate responses
  5. creating new queues & roles
  6. guiding new OTRS volunteers in their first steps
Length of Commitment
At volunteer's discretion
4 hours week activity
15-30 hours/week availability via IRC or other means
Qualifications sought
  1. Significant experience as an OTRS volunteer for the Wikimedia Foundation
  2. Ability to determine suitability of candidates for OTRS
  3. Ability to manage, encourage & motivate people
  4. Ability to set goals & priorities
Benefits to volunteer
  1. Regular interaction with volunteers speaking multiple languages worldwide
  2. Acquire a thorough experience of the questions and issues that are raised by Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects in the real world
  3. Customer service experience
  4. Team management experience
How to apply

Please send a cover letter and some details about yourself as to why the foundation would benefit from your skills in this position by email to cary@wikimedia.org or by fax to 415.882.0495. Candidates will be required to identify with the Foundation, if not already identified.

For further information, contact Cary by phone at 415.839.6885, extension 601 or by email.

Date posted
Closing date