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Archive:Wikipedia Zero

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
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Duration: 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

Imagine a world in which every single human being on the planet has equal access to the sum of all knowledge.

Together, we are creating the most comprehensive encyclopedia that has ever existed - Wikipedia. Wikipedia belongs to all of us.

About Wikipedia Zero

The Wikimedia Foundation created Wikipedia Zero in 2012 to address one barrier to participating in Wikipedia: high mobile phone data costs. To do this, we partnered with mobile operators, which in turn, waived data costs for access to Wikipedia. Throughout the program’s six year tenure, we partnered with a total of 97 mobile operators in 72 countries, providing over 800 million people with access to Wikipedia and its sister projects free of mobile data charges.

Wikipedia Zero program discontinuation

As of February 2018, the Wikipedia Zero program has been discontinued. For more information, please see this announcement on the Wikimedia blog: Building for the future of Wikimedia with a new approach to partnerships

Press coverage

Awards and recognition