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Policy:Wikimedia Foundation User-Agent Policy/zh

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Policy:Wikimedia Foundation User-Agent Policy and the translation is 49% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

自2010年2月15日起,維基媒體網站要求所有請求必須包含用户代理HTTP头字段。做出本决定的技術人員在技术邮件列表内讨论并发布。[1][2] 對此的解釋是,沒有在請求中包含User-Agent字符串的客戶端基本都是運作不當的代碼,它们對服務器造成巨大的負擔,且对維基項目毫无貢獻。以不具有描述性的默认值开头的用户代理字段,例如python-requests/x也可能被维基媒体网站(或网站的一部分,如api.php页面)屏蔽。






[4] If you run a bot, please send a User-Agent header identifying the bot with an identifier that isn't going to be confused with many other bots, and supplying some way of contacting you (e.g. a userpage on the local wiki, a userpage on a related wiki using interwiki linking syntax, a URI for a relevant external website, or an email address), e.g.:

User-Agent: CoolBot/0.0 (https://example.org/coolbot/; coolbot@example.org) generic-library/0.0

通常的格式是<client name>/<version> (<contact information>) <library/framework name>/<version> [<library name>/<version> ...],可省略其中不适用的部分。



[7] Do not use generic agents such as "curl", "lwp", "Python-urllib", and so on. For large frameworks like pywikibot, there are so many users that just "pywikibot" is likely to be somewhat vague. Including detail about the specific task/script/etc would be a good idea, even if that detail is opaque to anyone besides the operator.[8]

Web browsers generally send a User-Agent string automatically; if you encounter the above error, please refer to your browser's manual to find out how to set the User-Agent string. Note that some plugins or proxies for privacy enhancement may suppress this header. However, for anonymous surfing, it is recommended to send a generic User-Agent string, instead of suppressing it or sending an empty string. Note that other features are much more likely to identify you to a website — if you are interested in protecting your privacy, visit the Cover Your Tracks project.




在维基媒体站点上,如果您不提供User-Agent头字段,或提供了一个空的、通用的字段,您的请求会返回HTTP 403错误。其他的MediaWiki站点可能会有类似的策略。



// Using XMLHttpRequest
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Api-User-Agent', 'Example/1.0' );
// Using jQuery
$.ajax( {
    url: 'https://example/...',
    data: ...,
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'GET',
    headers: { 'Api-User-Agent': 'Example/1.0' },
} ).then( function ( data )  {
    // ..
} );
// Using mw.Api
var api = new mw.Api( {
    ajax: {
        headers: { 'Api-User-Agent': 'Example/1.0' }
} );
api.get( ... ).then( function ( data ) {
    // ...
// Using Fetch
fetch( 'https://example/...', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: new Headers( {
        'Api-User-Agent': 'Example/1.0'
    } )
} ).then( function ( response ) {
    return response.json();
} ).then( function ( data ) {
    // ...



ini_set( 'user_agent', 'CoolBot/0.0 (https://example.org/coolbot/; coolbot@example.org)' );



curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'CoolBot/0.0 (https://example.org/coolbot/; coolbot@example.org)' );


In Python, you can use the Requests library to set a header:

import requests

url = 'https://example/...'
headers = {'User-Agent': 'CoolBot/0.0 (https://example.org/coolbot/; coolbot@example.org)'}

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON

url = 'https://example/...'
user_agent = 'CoolBot/0.0 (https://example.org/coolbot/; coolbot@example.org)'

sparql = SPARQLWrapper(url, agent = user_agent )
results = sparql.query()


  1. The Wikitech-l February 2010 Archive by subject
  2. User-Agent: - Wikitech-l - lists.wikimedia.org
  3. API:FAQ - MediaWiki
  4. API:FAQ - MediaWiki
  5. [Wikitech-l] User-Agent:
  6. Clarification on what is needed for "identifying the bot" in bot user-agent?
  7. [Wikitech-l] User-Agent:
  8. Clarification on what is needed for "identifying the bot" in bot user-agent?
  9. gmane.science.linguistics.wikipedia.technical/83870 (deadlink)
