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Resolution:2010-11 Annual Plan/fr

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Resolution:2010-11 Annual Plan and the translation is 12% complete.
Résolutions 2010-2011 Annual Plan Commentaires ?
La résolution approuvant le plan annuel 2010-11 de la fondation a été approuvée par 8 voix contre 1 en juin 2010.

Il a été décidé que :

That the Board of Trustees hereby approves management's proposed 2010-2011 annual plan of US$20.4 million of spending and US$20.4 million of revenues with the annual reserve remaining at US$13.0 million at the end of 2010-2011. These amounts do not include restricted gifts to fund additional project work such as the Public Policy grant.

If, during the year, management anticipates the annual reserve at each quarter-end will differ materially from the plan, the Board directs management to consult the Board Treasurer promptly.


Motion : Stu

Approuvé : 8-1.

In favor: Jimmy, Ting, Jan-Bart, Michael, Stu, Arne, Bishakha, Matt

Opposed: SJ

Abstaining: Kat