القرارات: زوار المجلس (2012)
This proposal has been approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. It may not be circumvented, eroded, or ignored by Wikimedia Foundation officers or staff nor local policies of any Wikimedia project. يرجى ملاحظة أنه في حال وجود اختلافات في المعنى أو التفسير بين النص الإنجليزي الأصلي لهذه الوثيقة وترجمتها، تعطى الأولوية للنص الإنجليزي الأصلي. |
←القرارات | زوار المجلس (2012) | ملاحظات؟→ |
This vote unanimously approved extending and formalizing the board visitors trial initially begun in 2011. It was passed via online vote on June 25, 2012. |
Resolved, that the Board of Trustees will allow up to two Board visitors per year for significant content, financial or expertise contributors. Each Board visitor shall have a one-year term.
The Wikimedia Foundation and projects benefit from significant content, financial support and other contributions from both individuals and institutions, and the WMF Board will benefit from building closer ties with and learning from our significant individual and institutional contributors.
معايير الاختيار كزائر للمجلس:
- Contribution of significant content, financial support or unique expertise;
- Institution and/or individual shows strong philosophical alignment with the Wikimedia Foundation mission; and,
- Board approval required prior to board visitor status being granted.
مميزات زوار المجلس:
- Attendance at in-person board meetings once per year for most but not all agenda items (e.g. attendance for budget and strategic discussions, not for executive sessions);
- Inclusion in formal materials sent to other trustees (e.g. pre-read materials, Committee reports, Board minutes);
- No participation in Board voting on resolutions, or Board IRC meetings; no inclusion on board email list;
Board Visitor Responsibilities
- Visitor must treat conversations with the same confidentiality as the rest of the Board.
- موافقة: Phoebe Ayers, Ting Chen, Bishakha Datta, Matt Halprin, Samuel Klein, Arne Klempert, Jan-Bart de Vreede, Jimmy Wales, Kat Walsh, Stu West