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Resolution:COO - Carolyn Doran/COO job description

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Job Description
I. Position summary
The chief operations officer (COO) is responsible for the overall administration and business operations.
Areas of responsibility include administration, personnel and fiscal management.
This is a full-time position, hired by and directly accountable to the Executive Director,
or to the board of directors through its elected board chair in absence of an Executive Director.
II. Responsibilities
1. Management and administration
a. Develop and administer operational administrative policies.
b. Provide information for evaluation of the organization's activities.
III. Fiscal
a. Ensure effective audit trails.
b. Approve expenditures.
c. Provide for proper fiscal record-keeping and reporting.
d. Submit monthly financial statements to the board of directors.
IV. Personnel
a. Administer board-approved personnel polices.
b. Provide for adequate supervision and evaluation of staff with administrative role.
V. Board relations
a. Assist the board chair in planning the agenda and materials for board meetings.
b. Initiate and assist in developing policy recommendations and in setting priorities.
VI. Public relations
a. Ensure appropriate representation of the Wikimedia Foundation by all employees.