Resolução : Comité de capítulos
This proposal has been approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. It may not be circumvented, eroded, or ignored by Wikimedia Foundation officers or staff nor local policies of any Wikimedia project. Tenha em atenção que, no caso de ocorrerem diferenças de significado ou interpretação entre a versão inglesa original desta Política de Privacidade de Doadores e uma tradução, prevalece a versão inglesa original. |
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This resolution creating the Chapters committee was approved by voice vote on 15 January 2006. Resolution:Chapters committee creation on 04 February 2006 approved the committee set up. |
Resolved that:
- The Board authorizes the creation of a committee for chapter coordination
- The committee shall be organized by Delphine Ménard and Łukasz Garczewski
- The Board authorizes the committee to create its own rules of procedure and add other members as the committee deems necessary
- The Board directs the committee to make strategic plans regarding Wikimedia local chapters
- The Board directs the committee to report back by 21 January about the creation of their committee
- The Board directs the committee to formally report back by 11 February
The board approves by voice vote.