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Resolution: Chapters committee appointments

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Resolutions Chapters committee appointments Feedback?
This resolution approving changes to the memberships of the Chapters committee was approved with 6 approvals in January 2009.

Whereas the Chapters Committee is in need of new members and advisors and

Whereas the Chapters Committee has posted an announcement on various lists to solicit candidatures,

The Board of the Wikimedia Foundation resolves that:

  • Austin Hair, Nathan Carter, Damien Finol, Delphine Ménard be confirmed in their role as members per August 20th 2008, term running until May 31st 2009* Michael Bimmler, formerly advisor to the committee, be appointed member of the committee per August 20th 2008, term running until May 31st 2009* Marco Chiesa be appointed new member of the committee, term running until May 31st 2009* Peter / User:Privatemusings be appointed Clerk of the Committee with a status similar to an advisor to the committee, term running until May 31st 2009
  • Milos Rancic be appointed advisor to the committee, term running until May 31st 2009* all other memberships and advisory positions automatically lapse.


Passed: 6-0

  • Approve: Jimmy, Ting, Kat, Michael, Domas, Stu
  • Not present: Jan-Bart