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Resolution:Hardware purchase - February 2006/fr

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Resolution:Hardware purchase - February 2006 and the translation is 75% complete.
Résolutions Achats de matériel informatique - février 2006 Commentaires ?
This resolution authorizing the purchase of hardware was approved in February 2006 (4 approve, Tim Shell's vote missing).

Conformément à la résolution d'autorisation de dépense datée du 23 janvier 2006, le conseil approuve par la présente résolution l'achat des articles énumérés ci-dessous. Le prix total de cet achat est d'approximativement US$138.000.

DB servers, 4 units, 9k$ each, 36k$ in total:

Rackform nServ A210S
CPU: Dual AMD Opteron 248 (2.2 GHz, 1MB L2 Cache)
RAM: 16GB (8 x 2GB) PC3200/DDR400 Registered ECC - Interleaved
NIC: Dual 10/100/1000 Mbps NIC (Broadcom 5704) - Integrated
Integrated SCSI: No Integrated SCSI
Management: None
PCI-X 1: Adaptec SCSI 2230SLP - Low Profile 2 Channel U320 RAID w/ BBU
HDD 1: Seagate Cheetah 15K.4 73GB U320 15KRPM SCA SCSI
HDD 2: Seagate Cheetah 15K.4 73GB U320 15KRPM SCA SCSI
HDD 3: Seagate Cheetah 15K.4 73GB U320 15KRPM SCA SCSI
HDD 4: Seagate Cheetah 15K.4 73GB U320 15KRPM SCA SCSI
HDD 5: Seagate Cheetah 15K.4 73GB U320 15KRPM SCA SCSI
HDD 6: Seagate Cheetah 15K.4 73GB U320 15KRPM SCA SCSI
CD-ROM: Slimline 8X DVD-ROM
5 1/4" Device: None
Floppy: 1.44MB Floppy
Power Supply: Redundant 500W - PFC - Auto Switching 100-240V
Rail Kit: Ball Bearing Rail Kit
O/S: None
WARRANTY: 3 Year 8-5 M-F Helpdesk w/ Next Business Day On Site

App servers: 2.55k$ each, 40 units, 102k$ in total:

Rackform nServ A206
CPU: Dual AMD Opteron 265 (1.8GHz, Dual Core, 1MB/Core L2 Cache)
RAM: 4GB (4 x 1GB) PC3200/DDR400 Registered ECC - Interleaved
NIC: Dual 10/100/1000 Mbps NIC (Broadcom 5704) - Integrated
Management: None
PCI-X: None
Low-Pro PCI-X: None
HDD 1: Western Digital RE 250GB (1.5Gb/s, 7.2Krpm, 16MB Cache) SATA
HDD 2: Western Digital RE 250GB (1.5Gb/s, 7.2Krpm, 16MB Cache) SATA
Low-Pro Media Drive: Low Profile CD-ROM
Front Input: 1.44 Low Profile Floppy
Power Supply: Fixed 500W - PFC - Auto Switching 100-240V
Rail Kit: Sliding Rail Kit
O/S: None
WARRANTY: Standard 3 Year - Return to Depot

Approuvé : 4

Voix de Tim Shell manquante.