Resolution:Long term strategic plan/ja
この提案はウィキメディア財団理事会によって承認されました。 ウィキメディア財団の役員やスタッフ、またはウィキメディアプロジェクトのローカルポリシーによって回避、侵食、または無視することはできません。 本内容の原文である英語版と翻訳版で意味や解釈に相違が生じた場合、英語版原文を正文とする。 |
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この決議は、財団における長期戦略プランの策定の開始を行うというものであり、全員一致(賛成7票)にて2009年4月に承認された。 |
Whereas the Wikimedia Foundation intends to develop a strategic plan laying out a course of action for the next three to five years, the Board of Trustees directs its Executive Director, Sue Gardner, to develop and execute a strategic planning process, in close consultation with the Board, and on its behalf.
The work of the Wikimedia Foundation is founded in the premise that open, mass collaboration is the most effective method for achieving high-quality decision-making. Therefore, we ask that the strategic planning process be designed to include input from a wide range of sources, including Wikimedia volunteers and supporters representing a diversity of geographies and projects. We ask that the process also aim to solicit input from parties who are currently not part of the Wikimedia community, in an effort to broaden our knowledge base and benefit from new ideas and information.
The principles guiding this process should include:
- Transparency. As much as possible, work should be done in public, and be visible to all.
- Participation. The mechanisms used to solicit input should be designed to be as open as reasonably possible, and to encourage broad participation.
- Collaboration. We recognize that we will not develop a consensus strategy that pleases everyone. We will need to make difficult decisions that may prove unpopular. But we believe that people who want to have a voice in the process, should be heard.