These are official minutes from a meeting of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. 이 문서의 영어 원본 버전과 번역본 간에 의미나 해석에 차이가 있는 경우, 영어 원본이 우선한다는 점을 주의하십시오. |
←Board meetings | Minutes from Minutes/ko | 질문이 있나요? |
{{{notes}}} |
This template can also be used to display strings (text) commonly used in board documentation:
string= | Output |
board present | Board of Trustees present: |
nonboard present | Non-Board members present: |
guest | Invited guest(s): |
executive | Executive Session |
committee updates | Committee Updates |
priorities | Annual Priorities |
hr committee | Human Rights Committee |
audit committee | Audit Committee |
sp committee | Special Projects Committee |
tc committee | Talent & Culture Committee |
chapcom | Chapters Committee |
affcom | Affiliations Committee |
board business | Board Business |
operational updates | Operational Updates |
foundation updates | Foundation Updates |
gov committee | Governance Committee |
board gov committee | Board Governance Committee |
product committee | Product Committee |
tech committee | tech committee |
cac | Community Affairs Committee (CAC) |
fdc | Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) |
pt committee | Product & Technology Committee |
exec committee | Executive Committee |
attendance | Attendance |
housekeeping | Housekeeping |
annual plan | Annual Plan |
advisory board | Advisory Board |
electcom | Elections Committee |
corp actions | Corporate Actions |