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From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki

Through technology we can get a lot of information about what’s happening in the world. Without spending big amount, we could travel up to the universe just by browsing down at the internet. That’s the magic in it! Education before is very different now. Though books were present and other low tech matrials were used for getting information, but it does not made the thinking of our ancestors to be wide and open enough. Before, our parents set time to really scan the books whenever they had assignemts and whatsoever. But now, getting the exact information about a certain topic really takes a minute and viola!!! you will have the information at hand.

Trully technology is very helpful in the aim of providing or creating students who are well prepared in the future. But there is a big BUT after all. Despite of the great advantage that technolgy is trying to impart to people it also has disadvantages. one of this is surely on our tendency to depend on the technology and be lazy in doing our tasks.

As a student and a future teacher, hopefully I could really change the setting though it sound like a big dreamer but there is no wrong in dreaming. I mean nothing is impossible.