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Jessie Wild Sneller

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Jessie Wild Sneller
Jessie Wild, Global Learning & Evaluation
Jessie Wild Sneller
Senior Manager of Global Learning & Evaluation, Wikimedia Foundation
"Work yourself hard, but not as if you were being made a victim, and not with any desire for sympathy or admiration. Desire one thing alone: that your actions or inactions alike should be worthy of a reasoning citizen." - Marcus Aurelius

About me

I joined the Wikimedia Foundation full-time in 2010, after several months of external consulting work with the Foundation.

Prior to joining Wikimedia, I worked with the Bridgespan Group in San Francisco and, among other cases in education and youth development, was on the team that supported the strategy development process at the Wikimedia Foundation. Before Bridgespan, I was a strategy consultant with Bain & Co. in Chicago where I worked in various industries including telecommunications, consumer products, healthcare, and financial services. I also served in the Private Equity Group. I hail from Carmel, Indiana and graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Public Policy Analysis and International Business, with focuses on Spanish and Religious Studies.

My work

I lead the Learning & Evaluation group within the Grantmaking team: a team committed to encouraging the growth of Wikimedia communities and the projects around the world with a priority focus on the Global South. My team has the audacious mandate of (a) monitoring the effectiveness of the Grantmaking team, (b) identifying high-[potential] impact program pilots based on work in movement at large, and (c) fostering an environment of learning and sharing within the team and community.

See Learning & Evaluation for more information.

Disclaimer: I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, and this is the account I intend to use for edits or statements I make in that role. However, the Foundation does not vet all my activity, so edits, statements, or other contributions made by this account may not reflect the views of the Foundation.

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