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Legal:Research Participant List Privacy Notice

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
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This notice describes how and when Wikimedia collects, uses, and shares the information we receive from people who join the Research Participant List.

The Research Participant List allows us to easily identify and contact people about possible research projects in which they may be interested. You may join the list by submitting this form. You may remove yourself from the list at any time by submitting this form.

The list is hosted by AirTable. Once you are on the list, the Wikimedia Foundation may send you emails, which may be powered by AirTable. Airtable's use of your data is subject to their Privacy Policy.

Once you are in the list, we may send you emails from time to time which include possible research projects. Participation in any research project is optional. These projects may require the use of third-party services. Please note that third parties' uses of your personal data are governed by their respective privacy policies. For each individual research project, we will provide you with relevant privacy-related details when we first contact you about the project.

What Information We Collect

The form asks for your email address and language. Providing any other information in the form is optional, but your email address is required in order to contact you about future research projects.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

The Research Participant List will only be accessible to the Wikimedia Foundation staff and contractors who need to process this information and are subject to non-disclosure obligations, with the exception of the circumstances described below.

We may disclose any collected information when required by law, when we have your permission, when needed to protect our rights, privacy, safety, users, or the general public, and when necessary to enforce our Terms of Use or any other Wikimedia policy.

Important Information

Wikimedia Foundation is a global organization committed to promoting free and open knowledge. In signing up for the Research Participant List, you understand that the information transferred to Wikimedia Foundation will be collected, transferred, stored, processed, disclosed and otherwise used in the U.S. as described in this Privacy Notice. You also understand that the information may be transferred by us from the U.S. to other countries, which may have different or less stringent data protection laws than your country, in order to carry out the aforementioned purposes and objectives.

Wikimedia understands the importance of user privacy. For this reason, we work to protect our users from the unauthorized disclosure or use of information we maintain. The information you provide in the form will be retained indefinitely. If you wish to change, access, or delete the information you have provided in the form, or opt out of being contacted for future research, please contact desresadmin@wikimedia.org. See our data retention guidelines for more information.

In order to ensure that this privacy notice accurately reflects our practices and the law, it may be necessary to modify this notice from time to time. We will notify everyone who is enrolled in the Research Participant List in the event of substantial changes to this notice.  

Thanks again for your assistance!

The Wikimedia Foundation

Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this Privacy Notice and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.