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Resoluções : Draft Movement Charter and next steps

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Resolution:Draft Movement Charter and next steps and the translation is 5% complete.
Resolutions Draft Movement Charter and next steps Feedback?
This resolution was approved on 8 de julho de 2024.

Considerando que, em março de 2020, o Conselho de Administração endossou em princípio as recomendações da estratégia do movimento Wikimedia 2030, que incluíam uma recomendação para criar uma carta do movimento a serviço do estabelecimento de uma estrutura comum para a tomada de decisões;

Considerando que, em novembro de 2021, o Comitê de Redação da Carta do Movimento formou e começou a trabalhar na elaboração de uma carta;

Whereas, following many community conversations and iterations based on feedback from movement stakeholders, the Movement Charter Drafting Committee has produced a draft Movement Charter and submitted it for ratification to individual contributors, affiliates, and the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, during the voting period of June 25 to July 9, 2024;

Whereas, the Board recognizes that this effort has been done in the spirit of advancing the Wikimedia movement in line with the movement strategy recommendations;

Whereas, the Board has reviewed, commented, and raised issues of concern regarding the draft charter, including in the feedback published in February 2024 and May 2024;

Whereas, on June 20, 2024, the Board liaisons to the Movement Charter Drafting Committee recommended that the Board not ratify the current draft Movement Charter, because issues previously raised have not been sufficiently addressed in the final text;

Whereas, the Board liaisons have also recommended that the Foundation develop concrete, practical, and time bound next steps, based on the areas identified in the final charter text;

Whereas, the Board has reviewed and considered the feedback and perspectives offered during the Movement Charter review phase by other stakeholders, including individual contributors and affiliates, in considering a constructive path forward;

Whereas, the need for the Wikimedia movement to make progress towards the Wikimedia vision has only increased in urgency, and new challenges and opportunities require efficient and effective decision-making, alignment, and operational readiness;

Whereas, in recognition of this urgency, the Foundation’s 2024-2025 annual plan includes a commitment to work on movement governance and decision-making, which includes implementing next steps following the ratification vote on the draft Movement Charter;

Whereas, since its inception, the intent of the movement strategy process has been to bring the Wikimedia movement closer together, especially when resolving complex matters; and

Whereas, the Foundation is committed to continuing and deepening collaborative efforts when implementing the next steps in advancing the Wikimedia movement, following our values.

Now, therefore, it is:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation votes not to ratify the draft Movement Charter in its current form, and instead to move forward with some of its components on a pilot basis;

RESOLVED, that further components to experiment or try on a pilot basis can be identified, or brought forward for consideration by others in the Wikimedia movement;

RESOLVED, that the Board will work with the CEO, based on the public feedback from movement stakeholders, including individual contributors and affiliates, to identify, and to create and implement a collaborative process to clarify, and pilot components of the draft Movement Charter that will advance the Wikimedia mission and movement in alignment with the strategic direction and movement strategy recommendations;

RESOLVED, that this work will take the form of a set of experiments designed in collaboration with the Wikimedia project communities and affiliates to test the feasibility of proposals identified in the draft Movement Charter related to resource distribution, technology advancement, and support of Wikimedia movement organizations;

RESOLVED, solutions for these collaborative experiments should be designed for co-ownership and build on the capabilities of the entire Wikimedia movement;

RESOLVED, given the outcomes of these and other experiments, the Board will continue to evaluate overall governance structures and proposed changes as a result of what has been learned;

RESOLVED, that the timeline for this work will involve a preparation phase (to begin immediately), an implementation phase (from January 2025 to December 2026, with the Board committed to ongoing monitoring), and an evaluation phase (to be completed by April 2027) when the Board determines the next steps; and

RESOLVED, that a proposed framework with more detailed timelines and criteria for success to evaluate the experiments’ outcomes will be published on Meta for open feedback prior to January 2025.


Nataliia Tymkiv (Chair), Kathy Collins (Vice Chair), Lorenzo Losa (Vice Chair), Esra'a Al Shafei, Luis Bitenourt-Emilio, Shani Evenstein Sigalov, Victoria Doronina, Dariusz Jemielniak, Raju Narisetti, Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight, Jimmy Wales
Not approve
Mike Peel
