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Resolution:Travel expense reimbursements

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Resolutions Travel expensive reimbursement Feedback?
This proposal to adopt a staff travel expensive reimbursement policy was created on 14 December 2005, but was never voted upon. It was eventually replaced by Resolution:Travel Policy (July 2007) and Resolution:Travel approvals policy (October 2007).

All travel expenses must be approved prior to any expenses by the board, except for the following cases, which are pre-approved because taken into account in the budget

  • Members of the board of Wikimedia Foundation may be reimbursed their costs up to an amount of
    • xxx dollars per quarter for the chair
    • yyy dollars per quarter for the other trustees
  • Officers (which include CEO) may be reimbursed
    • zzz dollars per quarter
  • The CEO is authorised to use up a certain amount approved by the board, for anyone (but himself), for any travelling expenses, especially in cases where a decision needs to be made quickly (this might be referred to as CEO discretionary budget for travel)
    • ttt dollars per quarter

The exact amounts will be by default set each beginning of year, and may be modified if considered necessary by a new board resoution.

Anyone (trustees, officers or other individuals) may also be reimbursed of their expenses in three cases

  • using trustees pre-authorized amount (part of a trustee budget may be allocated to another person, upon the trustee's decision, within the limit of the trustee's own allowance)
  • with previous agreement by the board of trustees for per person within a certain budget
  • with the previous agreement by the board of trustees for a certain budget, and agreement on the traveller per the CEO or an officer (for example, WSIS reimbursements)

Expenses must be only related to travel to go to meetings related to Wikimedia Foundation activity. Expenses must be justified by receipts, plane tickets etc... Requests for reimbursement must be done within 3 months to the financial officer. If not justified, the expenses must be reimbursed to the Foundation.

In case a trustee spends above the allowance, he or she must inform the financial officer or the treasurer of the additional costs, and must balance his or her following quarter travel costs so that a semester is within is allowance, or get approval by the board of trustees for a change in his or her allowance. Related resolution

  • Wikimedia Foundation Resolution 20051204: Travel expenses (see budget)

Proposed by Anthere - 14 December 2005 Slightly modified by Jimbo - 14 December 2005
Modified on 22nd of December, to remove exact amounts, which will be decided in a separate resolution Votes

  • Angela - Abstain (until issues on talk resolved)
  • Anthere - For,Against,Abstain
  • Jimmy - For,Against,Abstain
  • Tim - For,Against,Abstain
  • Michael - For,Against,Abstain