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Template:Privacy statement/id

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Template:Privacy statement and the translation is 97% complete.
Dokumentasi templat


This template is used to create the Wikimedia Foundation's survey privacy statements. Please see our legal disclaimer.

When adding the template to a page, it is recommended to use the TemplateWizard in VisualEditor so that all the parameter options, explainer text, and dropdown lists of suggested values are visible. Any parameters left blank or omitted will not be displayed.

When adding a translated version of this template to a page, manually change the page language to the desired language to avoid transcluding English content (within the infobox and elsewhere) alongside the translated content. If English content is still transcluding after manually changing the page language, then likely the translations are incomplete and individual translation units will default to English until translations are provided.


Translation of template content is primarily through this template, but some translatable content is also found in templates transcluded by this template. If you are working on translations, you can find translatable content on:

Blank template with basic parameters

{{Privacy statement
|purpose= <!-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 -->
|contact= <!-- email address without @wikimedia.org -->
|recording= <!-- Yes or No -->
|publish= <!-- Yes or No -->
|publish_identifying= <!-- Yes or No -->
|volunteers= <!-- Yes or No -->
|retention= <!-- only 90 days, 180 days, 360 days, and indefinitely currently supported -->

Blank template with all parameters

Only the most pertinent information should be included. Please remove unused parameters.

{{Privacy statement
|title_link= <!-- Interwiki prefix code followed by page name, no pipe or enclosing [[brackets]] -->
|team= <!-- teams or departments involved -->
|contact= <!-- email address without @wikimedia.org -->
|contact_domain= <!-- email address domain, only use if not wikimedia.org -->
|image= <!-- defaults to Wikipedia 20 images; for a specific image, input filename only without "File:" or "Image:" and without enclosing [[brackets]] -->

|purpose= <!-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 -->
|purpose2= <!-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 -->
|purpose3= <!-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 -->

|services= <!-- Yes or No -->
|community= <!-- Yes or No -->
|find= <!-- Yes or No -->
|outreach= <!-- Yes or No -->
|research= <!-- Yes or No -->
|other= <!-- use only when necessary -->

|event= <!-- Yes or No -->
|meeting= <!-- Yes or No -->
|event_evaluation= <!-- use only when necessary -->

|recording= <!-- Yes or No -->
|transcript= <!-- Yes or No -->
|paid= <!-- Yes or No -->
|account_activity= <!-- Yes or No -->
|demographic= <!-- Yes or No -->
|device= <!-- Yes or No -->
|session= <!-- Yes or No -->
|recording2= <!-- Yes or No -->
|contact_info= <!-- use only when necessary -->
|retention2= <!-- use only when necessary -->
|wildcard= <!-- use only when necessary -->
|wildcard_such_as= <!-- use only with wildcard -->
|wildcard2= <!-- use only when necessary -->
|wildcard2_such_as= <!-- use only with wildcard2 -->

|publish= <!-- Yes or No -->
|publish_identifying= <!-- Yes or No -->
|publish_example= <!-- Interwiki prefix code followed by page name -->
|cc_zero= <!-- Yes or No -->
|cc_bysa= <!-- Yes or No -->

|volunteers= <!-- Yes or No -->
|partner= <!-- use only when necessary -->
|link_partner= <!-- full URL -->
|partner= <!-- use only when necessary -->
|tool= <!-- only Google Forms, Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, LimeSurvey, Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, Eventbrite, or QuickSurveys currently supported -->
|tool2= <!-- use only when necessary -->
|tool3= <!-- use only when necessary -->
|tool_other= <!-- use only when necessary -->
|tool_policy= <!-- use only with tool_other; input URL no brackets -->
|tool_terms= <!-- use only with tool_other; input URL no brackets -->

|retention= <!-- only 90 days, 180 days, 360 days, and indefinitely currently supported -->


This template is designed to create survey privacy statements for the Wikimedia Foundation. This is not legal advice.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

What is the project title?title

Title of the survey, event, etc.

One Survey to Rule Them All
If there is a project page to link, input here:title_link

Interwiki prefix code followed by page name

What Wikimedia Foundation team (or teams) is involved?team

Please include the word 'team', 'teams', or 'department' as applicable

Movement Strategy and Governance team
What is the email participants should contact?contact

Address before @, do not include @wikimedia.org

How long will raw data be retained?retention

The raw data collected will be deleted, de-identified, or aggregated within this time

Suggested values
90 days 180 days 360 days indefinitely
Auto value
90 days
What is the primary purpose of the project?purpose

Movement Strategy recommendation that is related

Suggested values
1. increase the sustainability of our movement 2. improve user experience 3. support safety and inclusion 4. enable more equitable decisions 5. better coordinate across stakeholders 6. invest in skills and leadership development 7. manage internal knowledge 8. identify topics for impact 9. innovate in free knowledge 10. evaluate, iterate, and adapt our activities
What is the secondary purpose of the project?purpose2

Another related Movement Strategy recommendation

Suggested values
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What is the third purpose of the project?purpose3

Another related Movement Strategy recommendation

Suggested values
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Is there an event?event

Typically involves a registration form

Suggested values
Yes No
Is there a meeting?meeting

Typically involves less complex data publishing than an event

Suggested values
Yes No
Will data be used to improve our services or tools?services

Typically feedback requested or user testing

Suggested values
Yes No
Will data be used to find participants, applicants, or nominations?find

Typically a form people use to indicate interest or qualifications

Suggested values
Yes No
Will data be used to support community development?community

Whether more directly or indirectly

Suggested values
Yes No
Will data be used for outreach or further communication?outreach

Whether username, email address, or other contact info is involved

Suggested values
Yes No
Will data be used for open research and study?research

Whether this is connected to research

Suggested values
Yes No
What service collects responses?tool

Off-wiki service used to collect raw data or on-wiki QuickSurveys

Suggested values
Google Forms Qualtrics SurveyMonkey LimeSurvey Google Meet Zoom Skype QuickSurveys Eventbrite YouTube other
What is the second service that collects responses?tool2

Only use if two services collect responses

Suggested values
Google Forms Qualtrics SurveyMonkey LimeSurvey Google Meet Zoom Skype QuickSurveys Eventbrite YouTube
What is the third service that collects responses?tool3

Only use if three services collect responses

Suggested values
Google Forms Qualtrics SurveyMonkey LimeSurvey Google Meet Zoom Skype QuickSurveys Eventbrite YouTube
Will demographic information be collected?demographic

Such as gender or nationality

Suggested values
Yes No
Will device information be collected?device

Such as IP address, user agent

Suggested values
Yes No
Will nonpublic Wikimedia session information be collected?session

Such as page viewed, login status

Suggested values
Yes No
Will Wikimedia Foundation be recording?recording

Whether you will be doing video, audio, and/or screen recording

Suggested values
Yes No
Will there be media submissions?recording2

Whether you will collect video, audio, and/or screen recording

Suggested values
Yes No
Will transcripts be collected?transcript

Whether there will be chat logs, captions, or screenshots collected

Suggested values
Yes No
Will Wikimedia activity records be used?account_activity

Typically when usernames are collected for an editing event

Suggested values
Yes No
Will participants be paid?paid

Typically a gratuity or thank you gift

Suggested values
Yes No
Will non-identifying results be published?publish

Whether anonymous quotes, statistics, or other aggregate data will be published

Suggested values
Yes No
Auto value
Will identifiable results be published?publish_identifying

Whether quotes with attribution will be published

Suggested values
Yes No
Auto value
If there is an example of publishing:publish_example

Interwiki prefix code followed by page name

Will raw data be shared with volunteers?volunteers

Whether Wikimedia volunteers need access to the raw data

Suggested values
Yes No
Auto value
Other partnerpartner

Input just the service provider's name

Best Collaborator Ever
Other partner: homepage URLlink_partner

Only use if you specified another service provider; input the full URL with no spaces

If you marked the tool as 'other', provide privacy policy link:tool_policy

Only use if you marked 'other'; provide just the URL no brackets

If you marked the tool as 'other', provide terms of use link:tool_terms

Only use if you marked 'other'; provide just the URL no brackets

If additional tools are involved, list here:tool_other

Only use if you need to specify more tools and link their terms; use wikitext and punctuation

Google Forms is used to collect responses; please read their [//www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/ Privacy Policy] and [//www.google.com/intl/en/policies/terms/ Terms of Service].
If a particular infobox image is requested, input here:image

Do not include brackets or File:

WP20Symbols twenty v1.svg
If the use is not one of the pre-defined options, list here:other

Only use if you need to specify an additional use

Bring about world peace
Is public domain licensing needed?cc_zero

Creative Commons Zero 1.0 licensing

Suggested values
Yes No
Is licensing with attribution needed?cc_bysa

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 and 4.0 licensing

Suggested values
Yes No
Will event evaluation be combined with event registration?event_evaluation

Whether event evaluation questions will be asked during registration

Suggested values
Yes No
Auto value
Will you collect username, email address, or other contact info?contact_info

Only use if contact info will be collected but not for outreach purposes

Suggested values
Yes No
Is contact information optionally retained longer?retention2

Only use if there is a communications opt-in that results in mixed data retention

Suggested values
Yes No
What is the domain for the email address participants should contact?contact_domain

Only use if the email is not @wikimedia.org and do not include @

If other information will be collected directly from participants, list here:wildcard

Only use if you need to specify more information collected

Fruit types
Provide examples of the other information here:wildcard_such_as

Only use if the other information has also been listed; please include commas and 'such as' but do not include 'and'

such as apples, bananas
If other information will be collected through the service that collects responses, list here:wildcard2

Only use if you need to specify more information collected

Binary information
Provide examples of the other information collected through the service here:wildcard2_such_as

Only use if the other information has also been listed; please include commas and 'such as' but do not include 'and'

such as ones, zeroes

Pernyataan Privasi ini melengkapi Kebijakan Privasi Yayasan Wikimedia untuk peserta . Kami menjelaskan bagaimana mengumpulkan, menggunakan, membagikan menyimpan, dan menghapus informasi yang kami dapatkan dari para peserta.

Simpulan Pernyataan Privasi
Data yang kami kumpulkan akan digunakan untuk analisis dan penelitian terbuka
Data Terkumpul
Data Dipublikasikan
Akses Data
Yayasan WikimediaYa
Penyedia Layanan
  • Lainnya
Penyimpanan dan Penghapusan Data
Penyimpanan Data Mentah90 hari
Lokasi DataU.S. dan lainnya
Mohon membaca keseluruhan Pernyataan Privasi

ikon Pengumpulan & Penggunaan Informasi

Mengapa kami mengumpulkan informasi Anda

Proyek ini akan membantu kami . Kami akan menggunakan informasi yang Anda berikan untuk:

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai proyek ini, silakan mengirimkan email ke @wikimedia.org.

Bagaimana kami mengumpulkan informasi Anda

Informasi apa yang kami kumpulkan

Jika Anda memilih untuk bergabung, kami akan meminta Anda menyediakan informasi berikut ini:

Menjawab Beberapa pertanyaan
seperti tanggapan ter-definisi dan bebas

ikon Berbagi

Bagaimana kami membagikan informasi Anda

Publikasi: Kami akan melakukan publikasi data identifikasi (seperti kutipan langsung dengan atribusi) dan data non-identifikasi (seperti kutipan anonim, statistik, atau data agregat lainnya). To facilitate this publishing, you agree to license your copyrightable contributions under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 and 4.0.

Akses: Data mentah hanya akan dibagikan dengan Staf Wikimedia, kontraktor, penyedia layanan yang perlu melakukan proses informasi ini serta tunduk pada ketentuan kerahasiaan.

Berbagi lainnya: Kami mungkin membagikan informasi jika dibutuhkan oleh hukum, saat kami mendapatkan izin Anda, kami harus melindungi hak, privasi, keamanan, pengguna, atau publik umum, dan jika dibutuhkan untuk menegakkan Ketentuan Penggunaan kami atau kebijakan Wikimedia lainnya.

ikon Proteksi

Berapa lama kami menyimpan informasi Anda

Data mentah yang kami kumpulkan akan dihapus, tidak teridentifikasi, atau dikumpulkan dalam 90 hari. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat panduan penyimpanan data kami.

Siapa yang bisa dihubungi

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan email ke @wikimedia.org. Peserta yang ingin mengubah, mengakses, atau menghapus informasi yang disediakan harus menghubungi kami dan mengajukan permohonan.

Harap diingat bahwa, jika ada perbedaan dalam pengertian atau interpretasi antara Pernyataan Privasi versi asli Bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya, versi asli Bahasa Inggris yang diutamakan.