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Wikimedia Quarto

Blue Edition January 2005

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Board of Trustees

Jimmy Wales, Founder
Angela Beesley
Michael Davis
Florence Nibart-Devouard
Tim Shell

watch this

  Samuel Klein
Executive Editor
  Florence Nibart-Devouard
Translator Coordination
   Cover : Zanimum
   Layout: Mats Halldin

Contributing Writers
Angela, Anthere, Aphaia, Electric goat, Elian, James Day, Jimbo, M7, Daniel Mayer, MilchFlasche, David Monniaux, Nicholas Moreau, notafish, Oscar, Richy, Riorio, Ryo, Sj, Theodoranian, Tomos

Contributing Proofreaders
Alno, AndreasPraefcke, Arnomane, KMT, Li-sung, Miya, NJT, Ruth Ifcher, Petr Kovar, Patrice Létourneau, Fruggo.

Contributing Translators
Ajvol, AlNo, Ananda, Aphaia, Ascánder, Bdk, Carbuncle, Céréales Killer, Der Mechatroniker, Didup, Electric goat, Fire, Foeke, FoeNyx, Formulax, Fruggo, Guenny, Gunnar Eberlein, Henrique Scherer, Jackjeff, JB82, kocio, Kzhr, Louisana, Meanos, M-Falcon, MichaelDiederich, Mikez, Morita42, Mountain, notafish, Paddy, P-e.Nataf, ~Pyb, Vincent Ramos, rdb, Robert, RuM, Sabine Cretella, Sbisolo, Shizhao, Snowdog, Telcontar, Tietew, Tomos, TOR, Sebastian Witt, zenzizi.


   Welcome to the second Wikimedia Foundation newsletter. Inside, you will find news about recent and future events; articles about the latest Wikimedia initiatives; and the thoughts and activities of our Board of Trustees and our founder, Jimmy Wales. You will also find current reports from the community projects, creative work, and thoughts from Larry Lessig.

    This fall saw a major increase in the visibility of the Wikimedia projects, thanks to a doubling in our server farm and our bandwidth usage; an excellent reception of the "one million article" press release; and growing attention to Wikipedia in an expanding circle of conferences and philanthropies, all bent on changing the world.

    The number of active projects has recently expanded; see information inside on Wikicommons, Wikispecies and Wikinews. In the coming months, we are preparing for a major Wikimedia conference in August in Frankfurt, Germany; see the Wikimania section on Page 6.

    Finally, thanks to the many fabulous writers, designers, artists, and translators who make this publication possible.

--the WQ editorial team


Table of Contents

Cover : London City Hall at night

Welcome, Table of Contents . . . . . . 1
Letters from the Founder and the Board . . . . . . 2
Quarterly Reports . . . . . . 3
Out of the Projects . . . . . . 4
Chapter Notes
Interview: Larry Lessig
    on collective rights and Wikipedia
. . . . . . 5
In the Media . . . . . . 6
International Notes, Gallery . . . . . . 7
Endnotes, Mailbox, Editorials . . . . . . 8


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