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User talk:Daniel Mayer

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Latest comment: 11 years ago by Gyoung in topic Apology for removal of admin rights

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swap comma & decimal point

mav, somebody's been asking about the possibility of changing the template:fund drive text to swap comma & decimal point for the european languages (specifically de). '$50,000' looks like '$50.000' to us and is a bit odd. ;)

If it's possible to tweak the templates to do this sort of thing without too much trouble that would be great. --Brion VIBBER 05:02, 20 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Will do. --mav

Great work Mav. Thanks for the information :-) Anthere

NP! :) --mav

Hi. I just had a curious time. I saw on day 2, a european donation made by a guy called Philip Stoop. My coworker is called Philippe Stoop. As far as I thought, no one knew anything about Wikipedia in my firm. Perhaps it is him, perhaps not. But very disturbing to discover this. ant

Why disturbing? Would that not be a good thing? :) --mav
Not sure... well, some of my co workers know now, I am a bit bugged by this.

Anyway, do you have all the necessary papers for now ? and do you think we'll be able to do soon a budget meeting ? Anthere

Yes - anytime after Thursday. --Daniel Mayer 06:48, 19 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Hi, thanks for the history repor :-)

We really need to identify more of the uncategorized as well as to give more precision one way or another about the travel expenses. As is, we just cant leave that this way. I can foresee huge discussions and bad vibes for the fundraising. Anthere

That is already planned. I just happened to finish the draft right before Jimmy had to leave for a conference. He has already been sent the spreadsheet concerning travel and uncategorized items. --mav

Wikimedia FR


I was told the paypal interface of french page is in english (rather than french).

I was told

  • FoeNyx* au cas ou il sait pas et pour eviter qu'il cherche, faut juste rajouter <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="fr" /> ou <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="de" /> dans les forms qui envoient les infos a paypal
  • FoeNyx* lc comme "language code"

Hmmm, can you fix that ? I dare not :-) Anthere

Argh! So that is how PayPal changed it (this has annoyed me for some time). The way they had it before was that anything in the /fr/ directory on their site was French. Then after I created the templates they changed it so that no longer worked. But your above info should be what I need to fix this. Thank you for the report! :) --mav

Wikimedia Germany donations

Hi Mav,

Our chief of finance Henriette wrote on Friday, that she email you the latest donations-statistics for WikiMedia Germany, but the Fund drive page does not show any of this yet. Did you not receive the email?

You find the latest results for Germany on the WikiMedia Germany page, but it is in german. Can you read german a bit?

If you really did not get the email, please let Wikimedia germany know that by sendin an email to the Board vorstand@wikimedia.de , so we all of the board will have your correct email address.

Thanks for your help :-) Fantasy 09:11, 27 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Mav the German page says that between the 18th and 25th of February 343 donations were done for a total of 9.777,66 Euro which is accirding to: http://www.xe.com/ucc/ 12.9588 USD Waerth 17:32, 28 Feb 2005 (UTC)
I'm waiting for the average donation rate numbers so I can subtract those from the total. --mav


We are the only ones editing and we still manage to get an editconflict :( Waerth 17:14, 28 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Opps - sorry :) --mav

No problems better once to many then twice short .... work ???? I thought you were unemployed? Waerth 23:18, 28 Feb 2005 (UTC)

First day. :) --mav

Congrats now focus on your work ... get away from wiki shoo shoo Waerth 02:34, 1 Mar 2005 (UTC)

I updated IRC and Dutch wikipedia!!! Waerth 02:47, 1 Mar 2005 (UTC)
I will do mav no probs ..... Waerth 03:59, 1 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Fund drive delays

Thank you for your kind notice, I hope to be of help in some way, though I only can do some minor tasks. Anyway I am going to move "Donation" pages where they are marked as ready. --M7 21:39, 8 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Cool, thanks. That helps a lot since I have limited time. :) -- mav


Hi Daniel, Can you if possible also give updates of balance of the dexia-account? I am personal very interested in those figures. I like to know how Europa is donation. And if the people include a text message like the PayPal-users do, can or will the also be put online? If it is not easy to do so a update only every 5 or 7 days is also fine. Greetings, Walter 20:46, 17 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

The only way I get updates on that is through the little postcards they send each day. The first batch should arrive Monday or Tuesday to the wm office and then Danny will forward those to me. --Daniel Mayer 21:15, 17 December 2005 (UTC)Reply
"Postcards"?? You do not have internet-banking access? That surprises me strongly. Can I help? The bank where the account is is very close to me. I was present when Jimbo opened that bank account and did the preparations for it. Walter 21:22, 17 December 2005 (UTC)Reply
Nope. I do not have online access. Do you have any kind of access? --Daniel Mayer 21:31, 17 December 2005 (UTC)Reply
At present; no. That account is opened around December 2004, when there was FOSDEM in Brussels. I have done the lobbying for the creation of a European bank account in the name of the Wikimedia Foundation so there was no need anymore to have a credit card and waste money on the high PayPal fees. When Jimbo was here in Belgium he, Angela and I have gone to the Dexia-bank and opened the account in the name of the Wikimedia Foundation, Florida. The guy of the bank told Jimbo that he needed to fill in some forms and fax them to them so he could get access to the internet banking.
I assumed that Jimbo/Wikimedia Foundation had done that. What can you do with a bank account without internet-access to it?
If you contact Dexia you can probably still get internet access to it. The telephone number of that office is +3224649540 and the fax number is +3224649549. You can also use me to go to there to try to fix this. But I have not access to that account so I can not sign anything in the name of the Wikimedia Foundation. Walter 22:10, 17 December 2005 (UTC)Reply
Have you news about this? Are you or Jimbo contacting Dexia to get webbanking working? Walter 22:20, 23 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Admin switch

Hey Mav, could you comment at Talk:Fundraising#Perhaps this page should be protected? Redwolf24 12:10, 24 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Heh, nevermind. Redwolf24 12:15, 24 December 2005 (UTC)Reply


Hello, David. Do you think the fundraising has still sense, considering http://business.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,9075-1962714,00.html ? where jimbo talks about ads ? I don't wait for your answer. I have this question in my brain, that's all ;D I wish you 2 happy last days in 2005. Alvaro 08:47, 30 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Yes, it does, since we will not be getting ads w/o community consent and that will not happen anytime soon. My name is Daniel, btw. :) --mav
Sorry. I thought Daniel but my fingers weren't connected with my brain ;D Merci for your answer. My question was : some people, reading this, would, maybe, not make a donation to wikimedia ? We will see. Future will tell us. Alvaro 15:25, 30 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

w:nl:gebruiker:Effeietsanders has asked Jimbo about this on IRC and he has received this responds of Jimbo;

Somehow a statement from me "I continue to oppose having advertising on 
Wikipedia" is transformed into a headline "Wikipedia chief considers taking ads"

Maybe this quote can be put on the foundation website? If people think that there will come ads on wikipedia the will maybe be more reluctant to donate? --Walter 16:19, 30 December 2005 (UTC)Reply



Regarding this page (http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Fund_drives/2005/Q4), could it be possible that you make a cleaner report (something more like the Q3 report), so that we can direct nicely journalists there ? Thanks Mav; Anthere

Good idea, - sure. Might be a week or two... --Daniel Mayer 02:28, 13 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

April Fool's day

Hello Daniel,

In the idea of april fools day the dutch wikipedia said that the first 500 people could get 50% reduction to a years subscription on nl.wikipedia . We got about 250 emails, of whitch about 75 seriously. I am sending about 200 emails back to the senders, with some information about wikipedia and how to donate etc. I would be very gratefull if you could keep an eye on the Dutch donations the coming days, and tell me afterwards if it rised somehow. Just my personal interest. I don't want to know personal information, I am just curious how people react when they are personally approached and asked to donate money to the WMF. I sent them to the Dutch donationpage on this wiki, so they might use as well paypal as dexia. Could you please keep an eye on it? Thanks a lot. Effeietsanders 12:43, 2 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Local advertisements


Since you have something to do with finance here, can you tell me if it's possible to get funding for local advertisements on national TV here in Israel? I checked the budget and saw nothing about this, but I thought it wont hurt to ask. I am not sure how much it will cost to do this, but I expect it to be between 500$ to 1000$. Although the Hebrew Wikipedia is doing well, we would like to encourage more educated Hebrew speaking people to join and donate their time (and money ;-) to the Wikipedia purpose. Yonidebest 22:53, 8 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

raise of donations on the Belgian account?

Hi Daniel! Since the first of June is there on the dutch Wikipedia a message that is shown to anonymous visitors similar like the one in use on the English WIkipedia to suggest to do a donations.

I am interested to know if you now see a significant raise in the donations received on that account. Can you provide some numbers about that? Greetings, --Walter 15:29, 30 June 2006 (UTC)Reply


Why do you prefer to call English one as "multi"? Is there any inconvinience if I replaced with the previous one? ... --Aphaea 12:04, 15 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

The multi template has links that go to the www while the en one links to en subdomains. -- mav

Old pages on this wiki

Hi mav. I recruited/am recruiting some folks to help out with cleaning up this wiki in an effort to hopefully eventually de-fishbowl ("liberate") it. As part of that process, we're looking at pages that use raw HTML (list here: User:Legoktm/Liberation/Raw HTML) with an eye toward eliminating or at least greatly reducing the amount of raw HTML here. Most of these pages are old and what I'd like to do is blank them for a month, see if anything breaks, and then delete them, assuming nobody objects. An example of this kind of page might be Template:DonateGBP.

If you could take a look at User:Legoktm/Liberation/Raw HTML when you have a minute just to make sure we don't delete anything important, that'd be great. Hope you're well. --MZMcBride (talk) 05:48, 27 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Proposed deletions

Hi. I'm working on cleaning up this wiki a bit. I've proposed the following pages for deletion. I'm notifying you as you're listed in the page history. Without objection, the pages listed below will be deleted in about a month. Thanks for all of your work here. --MZMcBride (talk) 06:39, 12 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Contact us page history

Hi. It seems you previously deleted the page history of Contact us. Unless there's a really good reason for this, I'd like to restore these revisions. --MZMcBride (talk) 18:57, 15 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Apology for removal of admin rights

Dear Daniel,

I'm sorry for the abrupt removal of admin rights on this wiki, which wasn't announced in advance. We've been talking internally for a while about making the governance structure of this wiki more clear, i.e., decisions regarding content and practices in this wiki are ultimately up to WMF staff. There may be projects during which it makes sense to assign temporary adminship to volunteers, as well, but we wanted to start with a clear separation of roles and responsibilities.

I apologize, though, for the hasty implementation of this decision! I didn't intend to express any disrespect or distrust. On the contrary, I'm very grateful for all the work you and other volunteers have done on the Wikimedia Foundation wiki over the years, and I hope you won't be too discouraged by this experience. I'll be posting an update about the next steps for wikimediafoundation.org on the wikimedia-l mailing list soon.

Please do reach out to me if there's anything else I can do. Gyoung (talk) 04:52, 13 May 2013 (UTC)Reply