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Archive:Fund drives/2005/Q4/Day 15

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Friday 30 December

A total of 315 donations were made through PayPal on Day 15, yielding the equivalent of $12,696.79 USD; an increase of $2861.46 over Day 14 (3rd highest so far in this drive). The average donation this day was $40.31 (highest so far). Six Dexia donors gave a total of €270 ($326.45).

A total of $750 was received in the Wikimedia office today, bringing that total to $9,258.00.

Day total: $13,773.24

Breakdown of Day 15 PayPal donations:

AUD     154.25    (115.76 USD) 
CAD 	146.06 	  (120.19 USD)
EUR 	1,306.77  (1,587.32 USD)
GBP 	216.86 	  (388.90 USD)
JPY 	11,820.00 (106.79 USD)
USD 	10,377.82
Total 	12,696.79 USD

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

Ross Mayfield gave $2000 today, the largest donation of the day. David Gardner gave the second highest amount, $1000. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Robert Zettl, Dave Hamilton, Charles O'Kelley, Keith Weinberg, John Barnes, Sean Horgan, David Navara, Marsha Woerner, Edmond Tomas, Suraj Kothari, Richard Harms, Ofer Nave, Clay Shirky, and 22 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at: http://fundraising.wikimedia.org/2005q4/index.php/2005-12-30/detail/
  • "I love this site. Please keep it open" by anonymous
  • "This site has been my main source of information for the past year - great work!" by Michael Petrov
  • "Wikipedia makes learning completely random things fun!" by Alex Brown
  • "Wikipedia ist ein grossartiges Werkzeug das ich nahezu täglich und für fast jede Suche benutze! Ich bin immer wieder überrascht was man alles finden kann!" by anonymous
  • "Wikimedia - the best thing to happen to the Internet. Keep up your excellent work." by anonymous
  • "Wikimedia helps me through my exams." by anonymous
  • "Socialtext, the first wiki company, is proud to support the Wikimedia Foundation" by Ross Mayfield
  • "Dieses tolle Projekt muss einfach weitergehen, ohne laestige Werbung und unabhaengig!!" by anonymous
  • "Thanks for the all the hard work. The site really is a credit to humanity." by A CROSS
  • "Génial, le savoir enfin libéré" by Stanislas Garret
  • "A valuable resource, a good cause. Thank you." by Jayson Miller
  • "vive la connaissance libre, continuons de construire le seul puit de savoir populaire et durable" by Antoine Veret
  • "Thanks everyone for fantastic job. Lets all together make a better world." by anonymous
  • "keep alive the worlds best encyclopedia" by christian boss
  • "Pour le plus beau projet du web" by Christophe Mehay
  • "Thank you for your service to the world!" by Troy Duran
  • "Best site ever created. Use it every day." by Charles Dunn
  • "Felicitaciones por su Enciclopedia" by Jorge Roca
  • "Yes, we do want knowledge to be free !!!" by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Possibly one of the most worthwhile human endeavors since the human genome project – give." by anonymous
  • "I donate my time already, but I know that doesn't buy more servers!" by Greg Robson
  • "wonderful service. You deserve every cent, and wish I could contribute more often." by Guilherme Ambros
  • "Wikipedia flexes my brain. It's wikiwikiwonderful !!" by Thomas Goodloe
  • "To the new year! In 2007 I hope to move the decimal once to the right." by Lawrence Shoemaker
  • "Worth much more..." by arun rodrigues

-- Daniel Mayer

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