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Archive:Fund drives/2005/Q4/Day 20

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Wednesday 4 January

Best day ever.

Day 20 beat out Day 18 as the most successful fundraising day in any fund drive in the Wikimedia Foundation's history! Over $40,000 was raised today. We also saw the third highest number of PayPal donations ever made in a single day, 1011. The average PayPal donation this day was $26.06.

Yesterday we received $783.43 in the mail and today we received an amazing $15,067, yielding a new grand total of $25,108.43 for that method. A total of $632.46 was donated through MoneyBookers since the last update on Sunday, bringing that total to $2,109.13. Dexia donors gave a total of €465 ($562.77) via 16 donations.

All these updates, together, bring the grand total well above $300,000; an amount unequaled in any fund drive we have ever had!

Total for the day: $42,612.36

Breakdown of Day 20 PayPal donations:

AUD     586.34     (440.05 USD)
CAD 	864.22     (711.17 USD)
EUR 	4,627.59   (5,621.09 USD)
GBP 	1,029.42   (1,846.06 USD)
JPY 	81,156.00  (733.24 USD)
USD 	16,998.52
Total 	26,350.13 USD

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

An anonymous donor gave the largest PayPal donation this day, ¥50,000 (about $430 USD). Other donors gave very large mail donations that arrived today; $6000, $5000, and $1395.

There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Martin Naroznik, George Karipidis, Jeremy Huet, Michael Stroeck, Eugenio Furtado, Erhard Mächler, Anastasia Kender, Julian Harty, MR B R JEFFERYS, Russell Burdt, Sarah Randolph, Curtis Sims II, Soren Ragsdale, Erik Buehler, Kimberly Stanley, Julius Medwin, William Stearns, Ryel Kestenbaum, Jonathan Cody, Alida Latham, Gordon Lyon, David Gibson, Peter Boivin, Dennis Smith, Andrew Rosenfeld, Peter Steinberg, Michael Grazidei, Alan Beall, Daniel Self, Shirley Sagawa, Maryam Iqbal, James Bromley, and 34 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at: http://fundraising.wikimedia.org/2005q4/index.php/2006-01-04/detail/
  • "It's my first donation, it won't be the last" by Greg Rogers
  • "This is my second time using Wikimedia site. Wonderful site of great content. Many Thanks." by Radhika Prabhu
  • "In loving memory of Elsie Lord, who taught me to read" by Robert Lord
  • "Truly I cannot put a price on how much Wikipedia has helped in my studies, my work and in my general interests. More than that it has expanded my horizons and given inspiration. Thank you." by anonymous
  • "Bravo à Wikipedia, merveilleuse initiative à soutenir à tout prix. Mais il faut absolument que l'internaute qui crée ou modifie un article soit obligé de s'identifier en ouvrant un compte" by SARL ARMOISE
  • "Wikipedia is a great source of research information, we got to keep it online!" by Aaron Bradford *"Never a cause more worthwhile." by anonymous
  • "My second donation. You're worth it Wikipedia, and more!" by Etienne Boucher
  • "Without Wikipedia my GPA would be much lower and my stress level much higher." by David Runger
  • "Voilà mon premier appuis pour l'accessibilité libre à la propriété intellectuelle" by Olivier Milette
  • "This website is what the internet is all about, And I hope that it becomes the foundation of a thought moddle for our society." by Peter Kucer-Dougherty
  • "This is a fantastic way of using the power of the internet - keep up the brilliant work!" by Henrique Aretz
  • "Excellent information. I've been searching for hours in loops - all the info I needed was here!" by Maureen Brennan
  • "I can go to Wikipedia for everything from school research to petty entertainment trivia and not be disappointed... Very glad to help contribute to its running." by anonymous
  • "nati non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canascenza" by anonymous
  • "Better a small gift than a big banner ads! ;oP" by Robin Leclercq
  • "Thank you for sending the Christmas card." by Takahiro Kanagawa
  • "Brilliant!!! Wikipedia is a pillar of light for all that is good, righteous and inanely trivial :)" by anonymous
  • "From Taiwan, we support Wikipedia" by Chieh Deng
  • "Thank you for the gift of knowledge... it's the best one, please keep the good work!" by Pedro Rodriguez
  • "what did I do without it?" by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Knowledge = Power = Freedom" by Luca Tironi
  • "Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away." by Richard Hough
  • "Wiki, thanks for distracting me for countless hours during exam period" by anonymous
  • "I have used wikipedia countless times to help me with school, to learn new things, or to prove my friends wrong! Keep up the Great work! With 3 Years of University left, I need a site like this!" by James Poremba
  • "If problems are born of ignorance, then knowledge is the key to unlock the world of its problems. I would to help push the word "ignorance" from our daily use into the history books where it belongs." by Alan Beall
  • "Wikipedia.. What can I say, everything about this project blows my mind in its simplicity and effectiveness. Thank you SO much for keeping this information free." by Blake Farrow
  • "Can you believe they let someone like me write about thermodynamics?" by anonymous
  • "This is a free world, a world without boundaries, where all of us can learn from each other. Let us celebrate" by Rajesh Ramasubramanian
  • "This one's for the hamster article." by Yue Cheng Zhu

-- Daniel Mayer

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