维基媒体政策 |
维基媒体项目 |
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- 判定临时账户使用了哪些IP地址编辑页面或进行有日志记录的操作。
本節內容並不完整 |
- 拥有临时账户IP地址访问权的用户可以私下向其他拥有相同访问权的用户披露IP地址。要检查某个用户是否有访问权,请在本地项目的Special:Log/$2页面内检查其是否拥有$3权限。
- 当有理由相信揭露IP地址的必要性时,可以接触到临时账户IP地址的用户也可以在适当的地方披露这些IP地址,以便用户能够处理或调查可能违反我们的使用条款、隐私政策或任何维基媒体基金会或用户社群的方针的行为。这种披露的适当场所包括专门讨论长期破坏者的页面。如果这样的披露事后不再必要,那么这个IP地址应该及时删除。
- 已同意访问非公开个人数据政策的用户也可以在该政策允许的范围内披露临时账户IP地址。
Global access
Members of certain global user groups and certain local user groups require access to temporary account IP addresses across all Wikimedia projects in order to adequately perform their roles. Requirements for access depend on the user group. Users who are members of more than one of the below user groups only need to fulfill the requirements of one of their user groups. For example, a member of both the Ombuds and Abuse filter maintainers user groups will receive automatic access through the Ombuds requirements; such a user's access would still be for both roles.
Stewards, Ombuds, and Staff
Access is automatically granted to users who are members of any of the following global user groups: Stewards, Ombuds, and Staff. Stewards and Ombuds are expected to treat the IP addresses consistent with these guidelines and the Access to nonpublic data policy. Staff are expected to treat the IP addresses consistent with their NDA.
Global sysops, Global rollbackers, and Abuse filter maintainers and helpers
Members of the Global sysops, Global rollbackers, Abuse filter maintainers, and Abuse filter helpers user groups may opt-in globally through Special:GlobalPreferences. These users must then agree to use the IP addresses in accordance with these guidelines, solely for the investigation or prevention of vandalism, abuse, or other violations of Wikimedia Foundation or community policies. Alternatively, these users may choose not to opt-in globally; global access will then not be granted so long as the users are not also members of global user groups that have automatic access.
CheckUsers and Oversighters
Users who are members of local CheckUsers or Oversighters user groups may opt-in globally through Special:GlobalPreferences. These users are expected to treat the IP addresses consistent with these guidelines and the Access to nonpublic data policy.
Local access
Certain users require access to temporary account IP addresses on individual "local" Wikimedia projects in order to protect those projects. Requirements for access depend on the local user group. Users who are members of more than one of the below user groups only need to fulfill the requirements of one of their user groups. For example, a member of both the local CheckUsers and Bureaucrats user groups will receive automatic access through the CheckUsers requirements; such a user's access would still be for both roles.
CheckUsers and Oversighters
Local access is automatically granted to users who are members of the local CheckUsers or Oversighters user groups. These users are expected to treat the IP addresses consistent with these guidelines and the Access to nonpublic data policy.
Administrators and Bureaucrats
Local Administrators and Bureaucrats may opt-in through Special:Preferences on the local project and agree to use the IP addresses in accordance with these guidelines, solely for the investigation or prevention of vandalism, abuse, or other violations of Wikimedia Foundation or community policies. Alternatively, these users may choose not to opt-in; access will then not be granted so long as the users are not also members of user groups that have automatic access.
- 透過Special:Preferences選擇加入,
- 同意根據這些指引來使用IP位址,僅用於調查和防止破壞、濫用和其他違反維基媒體基金會或社群方針的行為。
- 滿足以下所有的一般要求:[Note 1]
- 使用者帳號註冊滿6個月,
- 使用者帳號已在維基媒體計畫至少做出300筆編輯,
对用户可能滥用本权限的担忧,可以在Steward requests/Permissions#Removal of access向监管员提出。如果用户被认定为滥用权限,则监管员有权终止该用户的权限。如有必要,可以通过cawikimedia.org,请求信任与安全工作人员进行审查,并根据基金会行动政策取消用户访问权限。关于违反隐私政策的投诉将升级为由申诉专员委员会审查。